WWE has a lot of Superstars on the roster that might not love their employer right now. This is no big surprise if you’ve kept up on anything related to WWE or if you just follow Ryback on Twitter because The Big Guy has not been shy at all about discussing Vince McMahon’s abusive tactics.

AEW is now legit alternative to WWE and although they haven’t announced when their new show is coming to TNT, fans are willing to wait it out. There is a lot of excitement regarding things outside of WWE for once and it seems that Mike and Maria Kanellis are looking forward to seeing what else is out there.

Maria Kanellis recently tweeted out saying: “Contracts are up in 3 weeks. Just saying…” When fans asked Maria what she meant by this she simply replied: “Our gym memberships.”

Kanellis might have changed her story once she realized that WWE might not like this kind of information being disclosed. WWE could also possibly tack on more time to either of their contracts over time they had to miss on the road which is something the company has proclivity of doing recently.


Mike and Maria Kanellis traveled the world as a team and have a lot of experience getting heat from crowds. Mike still loves to wrestle and is in the best shape of his life, but he is still stifled to a great extent.

Maria Kanellis’ story could be true and the Kanellises will simply be looking for a new place to work out soon enough, but it’s not implausible to assume that their WWE contracts are running up as well. The duo debuted at the 2017 Money In The Bank event on June 18, 2017. So it would fit the timeline if they signed a two-year deal with the company.

H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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