Lars Sullivan is The Freak and thanks to the Wild Card Rule he can show up where ever he wants. It turns out that Sullivan’s name is frequenting a lot of stories the company would rather not see him in and they want it to go away.

We have previously reported that Sullivan’s comments on bodybuilding message board went viral again yesterday. This is nothing new, but it certainly seemed to pick up now that he’s on the main roster.

Wrestle Votes reports that they spoke to a source in WWE who said that the company is hoping that this entire situation will stay low and disappear.

Talked to one of my main sources regarding this Lars Sullivan stuff. Source states WWE is aware of what’s making the rounds online. His exact words: “they are hoping it stays low and disappears”


My take: they aren’t going to do a damn thing. Hope I’m wrong.

The company might not “do a damn thing” as Wrestle Votes put it. Vince McMahon is very high on Sullivan and plans on going all the way with him as well. So Lars Sullivan could be a crucial piece to WWE’s long-term plans.

We also previously reported that WWE was well aware of this months ago. There was no heat on Sullivan at the time either. The only thing that halted his WWE main roster debut was the fact that he reportedly had an anxiety attack and needed to seek professional help for bit. The company was understanding and supportive during that ordeal as well.

H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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