MJF is known to push the buttons of anyone he comes into contact with. It turns out that the Salt of the Earth decided to touch something else, and rather surprisingly, at a recent meet and greet for an epic photo-op.

MJF is no stranger to getting attention for his meet & greet activity. After all, he scored mainstream headlines after giving young fan the finger years ago. That didn’t stop him at all, even after tossing booze on young fan during AEW Revolution.

A line of fans stretched around to meet MJF, every one of them had something for him to sign and a hope that he would give them a unique experience during their short time together. That is exactly what happened for one young fan.

A fan named Tim logged onto Twitter, and he dropped one of the best photos we’ve ever seen. The caption of the photo explains it all, so we’ll just let Tim tell you what happened.


My son got nut shot by @The_MJF today. Best picture ever. Thanks champ

MJF apparently had a great time with this meet & greet session. He logged into Twitter and saw that photo before dropping a reply that said, “The only time I smiled yesterday.”

MJF has a unique chemistry with his fans, where they almost expect abuse. At future events, they might just expect something else, but MJF needs to be careful who he dishes out that assault to.

What’s your take on this MJF activity? Do you think the young fan gave us the best meet & greet photo of all time? Sound off in the comments!

Tags: MJF
Felix Upton

Felix Upton is a seasoned writer with over 30 years of experience. He began his career writing advertisements for local newspapers in New York before transitioning to publishing news for Ringside News. His expertise includes writing, editing, research, photo editing, and video editing. In his free time, he enjoys bungee jumping and learning extinct languages.

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