Sunny is inviting another storm in her Twitter mentions. This time Impact Wrestling fans and some Knockouts might join the conversation.

The WWE Hall Of Famer fired a random shot at Impact Wrestling’s direction. She didn’t call anyone out by name, but Sunny wondered when Impact Wrestling started hiring “short, fat, ugly non-knockouts.” Then she took another shot at TNA for how much they pay.

Since when does TNA Impact (whatever you wanna call that shit) have a division for short, fat, ugly non-knockouts? I’m so happy they are an equal-opportunity employer (even though they pay shit $). #EvenShortFatUglyGirlsDeserveAChance

Sunny brought a ton of negative attention on herself by praising Donald Trump for bringing the Armed Forces in to break up Black Lives Matter protests. She answered back to this criticism by suggesting that she call a fan the N-Word among other tweets that she later deleted.

H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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