Ethan Page’s Impact Wrestling contract ran out on January 1st. He had already taped the Hard To Kill match against Karate Man prior to that. When the final match aired on the pay-per-view, Page felt disrespected over the “lazily edited” match.

Click here for our complete coverage of Impact Wrestling’s Hard To Kill.

Page’s heart was pulled out of his chest by Karate Man to conclude that fight. He has since marked his social media status to “dead,” and he deleted his last month of activity from Twitter.

The current free agent posted on a social media action figure group to express his feelings. He apologized to fans who felt cheated by Ethan Page vs Karate Man, and he is taking a full-fledged break from social media for a while.


I’m going to take a full blown break from social media. I’ll be staying active on my personal Patreon as much as I can & probably in this group too cuz I love the fig life & u guys. Xoxox. But man …. last night sucked. I’m so embarrassed with how IMPACT! lazily edited that segment last night & forced it to be a joke. I felt the thought of the same guys fighting eachother was comedy enough & the more serious we took it the better the reaction would be.

But cuz I left the company, they lied to my face & just did what they wanted the whole time. I’m sorry if any of my fans paid for that PPV & felt cheated. I honestly feel the free version I gave away was made with more love, care & attention to detail.

Sadly I had no control over the creative or the final product & the editor refused to send it to me before hand …. so I saw it live with you guys & was surrounded by family. All scratching their heads at that high school project level delivery on a PPV. I pray ppl know I didnt edit that hot garbage. I actually begged IMPACT! Not to even have Karate man on tv. I only wanted it for my YouTube channel.

But … we don’t write the shows. We just get the scripts & do our best. Idk what else to say. Breaks my heart this company refuses to respect its talent or it’s fan base on a regularly basis. I tried. Oh well! Life goes on. That door is closed. Now let’s focus on what’s next. Hope you’re all well. I love all of you for supporting me & helping promote my projects. Because without you guys, karate man wouldn’t have been anything haha. I’m gonna just focus on the good that came of him for my social media & my personal channels. He’s gone now & May he live on in GOOD videos edited by the person who created him. Not stolen by a greedy company trying to capitalize on someone else’s hard work & creativity. Sorry if this comes off so negative. I know I’m usually a positive light for my fans … but today, I need to just be honest. I was lied to. I was hurt. I was disrespected. And I need a break from it all.

We will have to see where Ethan Page ends up next. His departure from Impact Wrestling might not have been so smooth, because they literally ripped his heart out of his chest to kill him on the way out.

Ethan Page vs Karate Man at Hard To Kill was not his creative vision. He asked Impact Wrestling not to even introduce Karate Man on television. The company apparently went against his request, and this was the end result. You can find both versions of Ethan Page vs Karate Man below.

H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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