WWE operates at Vince McMahon’s command, and he is a complicated character. There are some people on the roster that are his favorites, but he doesn’t have many.

We previously covered that Matt Riddle impressed McMahon. He will get new serious character, and The Chairman will see what the Original Bro can do. That doesn’t mean he’s on Mr. McMahon’s “favorites list.”

Ringside News was told that there is really no way to tell who and what Vince McMahon is fond of at any given time. It fluctuates on a very regular basis. We’ve seen evidence of that for decades.

A tenured member of the creative team with close knowledge of the situation told us that “with the exception of Randy Orton, Roman Reigns and Paul Heyman, Street Profits and New Day, Vince doesn’t seem to like anything or anyone.” Big E is included with the New Day in this instance. There are a couple more McMahon has a soft spot for, but those are the ones he is really behind right now.


We previously reported that SmackDown’s script was stalled because Vince McMahon wouldn’t sign off on anything, even segments he devised. It is now 4:30 PM as of this writing, and we can confirm that the script is still not 100% finalized.

This is a very tricky time in WWE, but it is much better for those who are on Vince McMahon’s list of favorites.

H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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