Matt Riddle’s time on the WWE main roster hasn’t resulted in the success some hoped it would. The company did not “strap a rocket to his back” as some thought, but instead he found himself in a mid-card feud with King Corbin.

Ringside News has learned that Matt Riddle’s push in WWE didn’t materialize as some would have hoped for a reason. The Original Bro didn’t instill the confidence that he needed to with Vince McMahon.

One tenured member of the creative team told us that “I don’t think he’s being pushed as a top guy right now” despite reports that he was on the top of roster depth chart backstage in the company.

The Original Bro’s push isn’t dead, but “Vince thinks he’s getting everyone over to the degree they can handle the push.” Riddle is not getting buried, but there is a mindset that he’s simply not ready for that nudge into the main event scene.


Some fans assumed Riddle would make an easy transition onto the top of the SmackDown card after defeating AJ Styles in his debut match, but that is not the case.

The story is far from over for Matt Riddle. We exclusively reported how Riddle used stories of his backstage heat in the past to drum up hype for himself. He still has a lot of fans, and he will likely eventually get the opportunity so many want for him. The King Of Bros will simply have to wait a bit for that to happen.

H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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