AEW could always use a big name, but they are doing fine with the roster they have right now. There are still some free agents out there who could certainly fit into AEW’s roster.

WWE released many Superstars on April 15th, but Matt Cardona hasn’t been a part of his former partner Brian Myers’ activities. Instead, Cardona is getting ready for something else. Miro is currently enjoying life as Twitch streamer, but he’s still in great shape.

While speaking to ESPN, Cody was asked about bringing in some of those recently released WWE Superstars. He brought up Miro and Matt Cardona who are on a lot of people’s radar.

I think there are two free agents that are on a lot of people’s radar, that being Miro — formerly Rusev — and Matt Cardona, who was Zack Ryder. Obviously, those free agents should be on any radar. They have literally drawn money. They have TV experience. They have high-profile experience. They have locker room experience. The pros heavily outweigh the cons.


Those are two great free agents. I’m not going to go as far to say that if I had to sign anybody, those would be the two that I would sign. But I think they’re great free agents. I think if they have the passion for pro wrestling, they’re going to continue to succeed.

Here’s the trick. We only have a two-hour show. And a lot of our roster hasn’t even been fully realized or seen yet. I want to make sure we honor individuals like that. If you bring in a hot free agent, that means someone is going to lose a spot. That’s just the reality of it. In my capitalistic, cold nature that I have, I actually don’t mind that, because that makes everybody else step their game up. But you do want to do it fairly and responsibly. The best wrestlers, no matter where they came from, you’re going to want on your show.

In the end, AEW Dynamite is only a two-hour long program so there’s only room for so many people. He didn’t deny AEW’s interest in finding a few minutes for Miro and Cardona.

Cody stated on the day that Zack Ryder was released from WWE that he will get over again. Let’s see if it takes place in an AEW ring.

H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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