Matt Riddle didn’t hide what he felt about Goldberg’s performance at the WWE Super ShowDown at all. In fact, Riddle put out video (which he immediately deleted) where he said that Goldberg is the worst wrestler of all time.

This taunting on social media might be legit from Riddle because he’s upset at Goldberg for blocking him on Twitter. Either way, it’s not the best look for The King Of Bros to be burying the old guard online.

Brad Shepard noted on Oh, You Didn’t Know that WWE officials didn’t ask Matt Riddle to go on a social media tirade against Goldberg vs The Undertaker. However, he might be switching his favor with the office because when he criticizes Goldberg and The Undertaker those comments could apply to others that he might not want to upset.

“The same source who told me Matt Riddle was gaining support in the office is now telling me that Matt is getting way too ‘fast and loose’ with his Twitter. Here’s a quote for you: ‘Just a week after I mentioned how the office likes him, he’s starting to trend in the wrong direction — nobody likes the I told you so Twitter stuff. Also, around here you have to be careful about calling out the old guys. If you say Goldberg stinks and he’s old and washed up, what are you saying about Undertaker, Shane McMahon, Hunter, lots of older guys worked that show and are washed up. He has to slow down with that ASAP.'”


Matt Riddle has a bright future ahead of him in WWE, but he’s not untouchable. In fact, as a member of the NXT roster he might want to stay on the office’s good side even more.

Only time will tell what The Original Bro decides to do in the future when it comes to tweeting his opinions about the main roster, but some people think he might be close to the line when it comes to his recent social media activity.

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H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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