Lio Rush made a few fans wonder what he was doing when he uploaded flashy new video to social media. Some fans thought this was a sign that he is going back to NXT or even hinting at leaving WWE entirely.

However, whatever Rush means by these videos has nothing to do with the company’s direction for him.

Brad Shepard noted on Oh, You Didn’t Know that Lio Rush is simply doing these new hype videos by himself. He doesn’t have any approval from the company to post those videos, but he doesn’t need it either. Instead, Rush is simply using his time to generate his own buzz while the company is still quiet on him.

“He’s been doing some cryptic stuff on Twitter and this is the latest. So according to a source in WWE, Lio has to be doing this on his own. He’s doing his own thing with that video he released. Everything is still quiet on him.”


“He is still under contract and he’s doing his own thing with these videos. Everything is still quiet on him.”

Lio Rush was famously removed from the WWE main roster due to some pretty serious stories about backstage heat and breaking locker room tradition. It seems that he is using his time at home productively, but at this time it doesn’t seem like WWE has any plans for him.

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H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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