It’s Wednesday night and you know what that means! The AEW Double Or Nothing go-home episode of Dynamite will go down tonight, and Ringside News has got you covered with live play-by-play results coverage for the May 22, 2024 episode.

AEW Dynamite will start this week at 8:00 PM EST as always, match-by-match highlights and results from the show will take place on this very page. Feel free to leave any reactions in the comment section below. You can check out the lineup below.

AEW Dynamite Lineup (5/22/2024):

  • Singles Match: AEW World Champion Swerve Strickland vs. The Patriarchy’s Nick Wayne
  • Singles Match: Blackpool Combat Club’s “The American Dragon” Bryan Danielson vs. “The Indian Giant” Satnam Singh
  • Blackpool Combat Club’s IWGP World Heavyweight Champion Jon Moxley will be in the building
  • Singles Match: Kyle O’Reilly vs. House Of Black’s Malakai Black
  • Tag Team Match: AEW Women’s World Champion “Timeless” Toni Storm and Mariah May vs. Saraya and Harley Cameron
  • Singles Match: Don Callis Family’s Konosuke Takeshita vs. Matt Sydal
  • Unified AEW World Trios Champions Bang Bang Gang (“Switchblade” Jay White, Austin Gunn and Colten Gunn) will be at Dynamite
  • Tag Team Match: “Freshly Squeezed” Orange Cassidy and “The Aerial Assassin” Will Ospreay vs. Trent Beretta and AEW International Champion Roderick Strong
  • FTW Championship 3-Way Eliminator Match (Chris Jericho will be on commentary): Katsuyori Shibata vs. HOOK vs. “The Bounty Hunter” Bryan Keith
  • AEW Double Or Nothing TBS Championship preview between TBS Champion Willow Nightingale and Mercedes Moné

AEW Dynamite Results (5/22/2024):

The show opens up with an intro video also showing clips from the film Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga. Excalibur, Tony Schiavone, Taz and Don Callis then welcomes us to the show as “Freshly Squeezed” Orange Cassidy makes his way down to the ring for the first match of the night, which is a Tag Team Match. Callis then calls Cassidy and “The Aerial Assassin” Will Ospreay as both of his guys and we get the rest of the entrances for the first match of the night.

Tag Team Match: “Freshly Squeezed” Orange Cassidy and “The Aerial Assassin” Will Ospreay vs. Trent Beretta and AEW International Champion Roderick Strong

The match starts off with Ospreay and Strong as Cassidy goes after Beretta on the outside. Both men then begin brawling as Ospreay and Strong exchange right hands in the center of the ring. Ospreay then hits Beretta with a crossbody on the outside over the top rope and Cassidy follows it up with a tope suicida. Strong then hits Ospreay with a backbreaker, then tags out to Beretta. Beretta then hits Ospreay with a chop, but Ospreay responds with a series of right hands. Strong then tags back in and delivers some right hands on Ospreay. Strong then hits Ospreay with a chop in the corner before Ospreay hits him with a back body drop. Cassidy then tags in and blasts Beretta on the apron, then sends Strong crashing into the top turnbuckle face first. Cassidy then sends Beretta crashing into the adjacent top turnbuckle and does so one more, then climbs to the top.


Beretta then trips Cassidy and Strong hits Cassidy with a gutbuster that sends his face crashing into the top turnbuckle. Strong then hits Ospreay with a dropkick on the outside through the middle rope, then sends Cassidy crashing into the ring apron face first. Beretta then follows it up with a spear. Cassidy then hits Strong with a dropkick in the center of the ring and tags in Ospreay. Beretta then tags in and Ospreay nails both Strong and Beretta. Beretta then looks to hit Ospreay with a Tornado DDT from the corner, but Ospreay stops him and hits him with a Sliced Bread. Strong then tags back in and Ospreay hits him with a chop. Strong then hits Ospreay with a knee to his midsection, then follows it up with three forearms and sends him crashing into the mat midsection first. Strong then goes for a pin, but Ospreay kicks out.

Ospreay then hits Strong with a kick on his face, then tags Cassidy in. Ospreay then hits Strong with a corkscrew from the middle rope and Cassidy follows it up with an elbow drop off the top rope. Beretta then grabs Cassidy’s ankle, which allows Strong to hit him with an enzuigiri. Beretta then goes for a superplex, but Ospreay intervenes. Beretta then looks to nail Ospreay, but Ospreay lands on his feet. Cassidy then flies to level Beretta and Ospreay hits Strong with an enzuigiri. Cassidy then follows it up with a Tornado DDT. Strong then looks to nail Cassidy, but Callis grabs Cassidy’s ankle. Cassidy then hits Strong with the Stundog Millionaire and Ospreay follows it up with the Os-Cutter. Taven and Bennett then look to interfere while the referee is distracted, but Ospreay sends them crashing to the outside and flies to land on them. Wardlow then blindsides him on the ramp, which opens the door for Beretta to take advantage and hit him with a running knee. Strong then follows it up with a backbreaker for the win.

The winners of the Tag Team Match, Trent Beretta and AEW International Champion Roderick Strong!

After the match, Beretta and The Undisputed Kingdom continue beating Ospreay down. Strong then blasts Ospreay with his International Championship as Beretta puts Cassidy in a Triangle on the outside. Strong then hits Ospreay with a backbreaker.

We then head to the back, where The Young Bucks are with the Elite Security. They are holding up a sign that says Darby Allin is barred from the building this week to ensure safety of the locker room. Sonjay Dutt then walks in and congratulates The Young Bucks on taking care of their problems lately. Matthew Jackson then tells Dutt if Satnam Singh beats Bryan Danielson tonight, then that is cool, but if he hurts him, then that is even better. Dutt then says Singh will break Danielson like a pencil, then he laughs manically before walking off.

Unified AEW World Trios Champions The Bang Bang Gang then make their way out and they have a wagon to push all their titles.

“Switchblade” Jay White starts off by saying the greatest three man team in the game is in the arena and there is one man walking around wondering how they got themselves in the situation and in the crossfire of The Bang Bang Gang and that is PAC. White then lists off three mistakes PAC has made over the course of the past few weeks and says the biggest one of all led them to giving him exactly what he asked for. PAC then appears on the big screen and says he did provoke The Bang Bang Gang. PAC then says three on one isn’t exactly fair, then introduces his teammates. The lights go out and when they come back on, PAC, Penta El Zero Miedo and Rey Fenix are standing on the ramp. Alex Abrahantes then joins them and the four men make their way down to the ring, which leads to a major brawl between The Bang Bang Gang and Death Triangle. Death Triangle then sends The Bang Bang Gang out of the ring and stands tall. PAC then grabs a mic and challenges The Bang Bang Gang to a match for the Unified AEW World Trios Championship against Death Triangle at Double or Nothing.

We then get the entrances of the next match, which is an FTW Championship 3-Way Eliminator Match.

FTW Championship 3-Way Eliminator Match (Chris Jericho on commentary): Katsuyori Shibata vs. HOOK vs. “The Bounty Hunter” Bryan Keith

The match starts off with Shibata hitting Keith with chops in the corner. HOOK then pushes Shibata out of the way and nails Keith with forearms. Shibata then pushes HOOK out of the way and nails Keith with chops. Keith then hits a double jawbreaker on both Shibata and HOOK, but HOOK responds with a T-Bone suplex. All three men then take turns hitting one another with suplexes. Shibata then hits Keith with a stomp. Shibata then hits HOOK with a boot in the corner, then hits one on Keith as well. Shibata then hits a dropkick on both men, but HOOK nails him with a T-Bone suplex. Keith then hits HOOK with a headbutt as he sits on the top rope, then pulls him down to send him crashing into the mat. Shibata then hits Keith with a Death Valley Driver and puts him in a Figure Four Leg Lock. HOOK then sneaks up on Keith and puts him in a Sleeper. Keith then taps out and the referee declares both HOOK and Shibata the winners.

The winners of the FTW Championship 3-Way Eliminator Match, Katsuyori Shibata and HOOK!

After the match, FTW Champion “The Learning Tree’ Chris Jericho grabs a mic and says he is just getting started in his reign as the FTW Champion. Jericho then says he will see them both in Vegas in the first-ever FTW Championship Triple Threat Match and he will retain his title.

We then get a video looking at the history between Mercedes Moné and Willow Nightingale as well as what has led to their TBS Championship Match at Double or Nothing.

Konosuke Takeshita and Don Callis then make their way down to the ring for the next match of the night and Matt Sydal is already waiting inside the ring.

Singles Match: Don Callis Family’s Konosuke Takeshita vs. Matt Sydal

The match starts off with Takeshita delivering some right hands on Sydal’s spine. Takeshita then follows it up with a Brainbuster and nails Sydal with a few kicks on his jaw, then goes for a Blue Thunder Bomb. Sydal then counters into a hurricanrana before Takeshita nails him with a Blue Thunder Bomb and a forearm for the win.

The winner of the Singles Match, Don Callis Family’s Konosuke Takeshita!

After the match, Takeshita hits Sydal with a German suplex as Don Callis smiles. Takeshita then delivers some stomps on Sydal, but Jon Moxley’s music hits and he makes his way down to the ring through the crowd. Moxley then slides into the ring with a mic in hand, but instead of speaking, he nails Takeshita with it. Moxley then tells Takeshita he will see him at Double or Nothing.

We then head to the back once again with The Young Bucks and we see them handing out flyers saying that Darby Allin is banned. We then see AEW World Champion Swerve Strickland sitting in their seat at the Gorilla position. Strickland then takes a flyer and tears it up before telling them to hit his music as he is up next. Strickland then says he hasn’t seen Allin tonight as he smirks and makes his way down to the ring. During Strickland’s entrance, we see flyers of Darby Allin posted around ringside as well.

Nick Wayne then makes his way down to the ring for the next match, which is a Singles Match.

Singles Match: AEW World Champion Swerve Strickland vs. The Patriarchy’s Nick Wayne

The match starts off with Wayne leaving the ring. Strickland then slides out to join him, but Wayne slides back inside. This continues until Strickland catches Wayne off guard on the outside and sends him crashing into the barricade midsection first. Strickland then takes off his belt and nail Wayne with it before he sends Wayne back inside the ring. Wayne then hits Strickland with a forearm, then sends Strickland face first into an exposed top turnbuckle and dropkicks him to the outside. Wayne then looks to hit a moonsault on Strickland, but Strickland catches him. Wayne then counters into a Tornado DDT. Strickland then hits Wayne with a Swerve Stomp off the ring apron. Strickland then sends Wayne back inside the ring and looks to hits him with a second one off the top rope. Wayne then gets his boots up, then hits Strickland with a Code Red and goes for the House Call. Strickland catches it and hits Wayne with a backbreaker. Strickland then hits Wayne with a powerslam and follows it up with the House Call for the win.

The winner of the Singles Match, AEW World Champion Swerve Strickland!

After the match, Killswitch blindsides Strickland as Christian Cage and Mother Wayne make their way down to the ring. Strickland then sends Killswitch crashing to the outside, then sets his sights on Cage. Strickland then chases Christian around the ring, then hits Killswitch with a stomp. Strickland then chases Christian to the back and out of the arena. Christian then gets into a random car and looks to drive away, but a car driven by Prince Nana prevents him from doing so. Strickland then pulls Cage out of the car and sends him crashing into the side of a production truck. Strickland then sends Christian crashing into the side of a car. Cage and Strickland then end up on the top of the car and Strickland hits Christian with a DDT. Nana then hands Strickland a chair and Strickland sets up for a Con-Chair-To. Cage then rolls off the car before Strickland can hit it.

We then get the entrances of the next match, which is a Singles Match.

Singles Match: Kyle O’Reilly vs. House Of Black’s Malakai Black

The match starts off with Black hitting O’Reilly with a shoulder tackle, then following it up with a knee to his midsection. Black then hits O’Reilly with a couple of kicks, but O’Reilly responds with a flying forearm in the corner. Black then hits O’Reilly with a forearm of his own. Black then looks to hit O’Reilly with a kick, but O’Reilly catches it and hits Black with a forearm. O’Reilly then hits Black with a series of kicks before both men exchange strikes with one another. O’Reilly then hits Black with elbows and looks to put him in a cross arm breaker, but Black blocks it. O’Reilly then puts Black in an Ankle Lock, but Black escapes. O’Reilly then hits Black with a jumping knee and a Brainbuster, then follows it up with a back elbow. Both men then hit kicks on each other’s head until Black hits O’Reilly with The End for the win.

The winner of the Singles Match, House Of Black’s Malakai Black!

After the match, red lights start flashing in the ring. Tons of red mist then squirts out from under the ring and on top of Black. A video then plays on the big screen from TNT Champion “The Rated R Superstar” Adam Copeland taunting Black. Copeland then tells Black to be careful what he wishes for and that he will see him soon.

A video package then plays hyping up the Anarchy in the Arena Match between The Elite and Team AEW this Sunday at Double or Nothing.

We then get the entrances of the next match, which is a Tag Team Match.

Tag Team Match: AEW Women’s World Champion “Timeless” Toni Storm and Mariah May vs. Saraya and Harley Cameron

The match starts off with Cameron and May. Cameron hits May with a boot to her midsection. May then trips Cameron and hits a dropkick on her face, then follows it up with a spinning Sidewalk Slam. Saraya then tags in and calls for Storm to be tagged in. May then tags Storm in and she exchanges forearms with Saraya in the center of the ring. Storm then hits Saraya with a Thesz Press and follows it up with some right hands. May then tags in and Storm bodyslams May on top of Saraya. Storm then tags back in and May looks to bodyslam her on top of Saraya. May can’t get Storm up and Storm instead bodyslams May on top of Saraya once again. May then tags back in and Cameron interferes and blindsides May while the referee is distracted.

Cameron then hits May with a jawbreaker and follows it up with a second one. Storm then tags back in and nails Saraya on the apron. Storm then delivers some right hands on Cameron in the center of the ring, then follows it up with a headbutt. Storm then hits Cameron with a sit-out powerbomb before Cameron and Saraya hit Sunset Flips off the middle rope on Storm and May. Cameron and Saraya then hit some stomps on Storm and May in opposite corners and look to nail them with some boots, but Storm and May catch them. Storm and May then hit Storm Zero and May Day on Saraya and Cameron and Storm follows it up with a Storm Zero on Cameron for the win.

The winners of the Tag Team Match, AEW Women’s World Champion “Timeless” Toni Storm and Mariah May!

After the match, Storm, May and Luther hold up the Deeb Dojo flag. Serena Deeb then blasts a chair across Luther’s spine and follows it up with a headbutt on Storm and nails Storm with one of her high heels. Deeb then puts Storm in a Half Boston Crab while sitting on the chair in order to use the chair as extra leverage and two referees run down to the ring to pry Deeb off Storm.

We then head to the back, where Bullet Club Gold says if Death Triangle wants a shot at their titles, they need to earn them at Collision. The Gunn Club then challenges The Lucha Brothers to a Gunn Fight.

We then get the entrances of the main event, which is a Singles Match.

Singles Match: Blackpool Combat Club’s “The American Dragon” Bryan Danielson vs. “The Indian Giant” Satnam Singh

The match starts off with Danielson wasting no time in going after Singh. Singh delivers some right hands on Danielson, then nails him with a boot and an overhand chop. Singh then hits Danielson with a delayed vertical suplex, then sends him crashing into the ring steps on the outside. Dutt then clears the announce desk, but it breaks apart. Singh then looks to hit Danielson with a chokeslam, but Danielson lands on the apron and hits Singh with a couple of running knees. Danielson then hits Sign with a dropkick that sends him crashing on a chair. Singh then catches Danielson and chokeslams him onto the apron. Both men then get back inside the ring and Singh exposes one of the top turnbuckles. Singh then looks to send Danielson crashing into it, but the referee sees him coming. The referee then becomes distracted and Danielson low blows Singh. Danielson then hits Singh with the Busaiku Knee and the Yes Kicks, but Singh nails Danielson with a strike. Danielson then hits some elbows on Singh, then puts him in the LeBell Lock. Lethal and Jarrett then blindside Danielson to break the hold and the referee calls for the bell.

The winner of the Singles Match via disqualification, Blackpool Combat Club’s “The American Dragon” Bryan Danielson!

After the match, Jarrett grabs his guitar and looks to hit it across Danielson’s head. Danielson then moves out of the way and Jarrett stops his momentum before he hits Lethal with it. Danielson then hits both Lethal and Jarrett with the Busaiku Knee, then picks up the guitar. Danielson then looks to hit Singh with it, but Singh punches the guitar to break it. Singh, Lethal, Jarrett and Dutt then continue beating Danielson down and The Young Bucks make their way down to the ring.

Singh, Lethal, Jarrett and Dutt then clear the ring for The Young Bucks, who continue the beat down on Danielson. The Young Bucks then set up for the EVP Trigger, but Danielson moves out of the way and The Bucks’ knees are sent colliding with one another. Danielson then delivers some right hands on Matthew Jackson. Kazuchika Okada’s music then hits and he makes his way down as Jack Perry blindsides Danielson from behind. The Young Bucks then drag Danielson up the ramp as Perry and Okada follow and Okada unveils a table set up near the top of the ramp. We then see Tony Khan drive up to the arena in a car and Darby Allin gets out of it. Allin’s music then hits and he makes his way out with a flame thrower in hand. Danielson then sends Nicholas crashing through the table, then stands tall with Allin holding a chair as the show comes to a close.

Sanjay Thakur

Sanjay Thakur has been a dedicated fan of professional wrestling since a very young age, and wrestling has played a significant role in his life since his childhood. His passions revolve around music and professional wrestling, and that is the life he leads.

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