Update: Ringside News obtained exclusive word from WWE higher-up about this alleged meeting with CM Punk.

Original: WWE has a lot of things going on, and fans have seen a ton of CM Punk teases in recent memory. That being said, it appears that the Second City Savior is moving even closer to WWE at this point.

While WWE rejected CM Punk’s advances as he sent out feelers following his AEW release, it appears that they may have changed their tune. Punk apparently has a call scheduled that could turn everything around.

BWE posted behind his private X account to reveal that CM Punk had meetings scheduled with a few board members of WWE last week. At this point, the feeling backstage is that his return is happening.


CM Punk was recently scheduled for a call with few board members. Backstage feeling is its happening. Doesn’t mean its done. I am waiting for the follow up on the call. It should be the last step before things go down.

CM Punk may be on his way to WWE if things can line up. This is also a very interesting situation at this point. Obviously, we will keep a very close eye on this story here at Ringside News.

Only time will tell is CM Punk ends up in WWE, but the hope is apparently not dead in the water for his return to the company. Stranger things have happened before as WWE is open for business.

What’s your take on CM Punk’s possible WWE return? Let us know what you think about this in the comments section!

H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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