Bayley has been out of action since last Summer after she required surgery to repair a torn ACL. The knee injury typically has a long recovery time. It’s been almost a year since her operation, and many fans are getting antsy for her return.

There was some talk that Bayley might have returned to the WWE Performance Center in Orlando to start prepping for her return. She was spotted by a fan visiting Disney World with Sasha Banks last week. It has now been confirmed that she has been doing just that.

Mike Johnson of PW Insider reported the latest update on Bayley. No details on her activity at the PC were given. However, it was confirmed that Bayley was at the Performance Center for several days over the last week.

“Bayley was at the WWE Performance Center in Orlando for several days earlier this week, can confirm.”


Bayley has regularly been teasing fans about her return. She recently posted a photo with the Money in the Bank briefcase. Many were disappointed when she failed to turn up at Saturday’s premium live event in Las Vegas.

The fact that Bayley is back at the Performance Center can only be a good sign. Hopefully, she can get back into the ring soon. It’s been a long road back, and everyone at Ringside News is wishing Bayley the best.

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Michael Perry

Michael Perry is a news contributor for Ringside News and Thirsty for News. Michael has an M.A. in Communication Technology from Point Park University in his hometown of Pittsburgh, PA.

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