Big E won the WWE Title this week on Raw and this was reportedly big morale boost backstage. Many people are very happy for Big E, but not everyone knew about those plans.

It was previously reported that WWE had plans for Big E to make a move to Raw during the draft. It was later reported that WWE planned for Big E’s title win during the Draft, but that happened early. Big E is now the WWE Champion and a permanent fixture on the red brand.

Ringside News asked around about the long term plans for Big E and how long this plan was in motion. Upon inquiring about this topic, we learned a very interesting tidbit of information. We were told that “the writing team didn’t know” about this with much notice at all and they weren’t clued in on any plans for a title change during the WWE Draft.

We have covered Bruce Prichard’s transition into power in great detail. It was previously reported that the writing team is kept somewhat “in the dark” regarding many subjects, and that doesn’t make it any easier to write a television show.


WWE writes their television show on a week-to-week basis. As we already reported, long term plans, like those for proposed Brock Lesnar vs Gabel Steveson, is not anything that they are locking down.

Ringside News also exclusively reported that WWE Superstars are not permitted to know about their own creative plans, for the most part, unless Bruce Prichard gives the green light to share.

What’s your take on this story? Sound off in the comments!

Tags: WWE Featured
H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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