WWE went into a cost cutting frenzy by firing over 60 people at once from their backstage crew, consolidating several departments into one new “WWE Media” division under Kevin Dunn. That downsizing also affected how WWE produces their shows, because they are now down to one backstage camera crew.

Ringside News has learned that WWE “cut the backstage camera crews down to one.” This is a far cry from their previous setup where they could have a lot more going on at once.

A tenured member of the creative team described this decision as “short sighted.” It was also told to us that the move “just puts more and more pressure on the writers and the backstage crew.”

WWE’s backstage segments are now shot with one camera crew which can cause a bit of an issue when coordinating things. They are forced to make things work to the best of their ability, even when Vince McMahon is absent like he was this week.


Nick Khan’s efforts to trim “redundancies” created this issue. WWE’s President doesn’t seem to mind taking the heat for those decisions. Khan openly stated that he doesn’t want praise when things work out, because he only wants credit when people pass blame. That doesn’t make it any easier to produce a television show.

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Tags: WWE Featured
H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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