WWE is cutting costs across the board and that included some top names within the company. Several departments have merged together and are now under one division, WWE Media, overseen by Kevin Dunn. WWE President Nick Khan also gained control in the process. The company cut a number of international heads which Khan will now take over.

According to Wrestlenomics, WWE also fired Susan Levison, Senior Vice President and Head of WWE Studios. She had been with WWE since March 2019.

She was executive producer on WWE’s Netflix film The Main Event, the WWE Legends Biography specials, The Big Show Show, WWE’s Most Wanted Treasures, and Rumble.

The Netflix Film Rumble isn’t set to be released until January, but the film’s executive producer is already not around anymore. In total, it is reported that WWE fired 60 people this week.


WWE felt that there were redundancies within the company. Many people were fired as several divisions were moved into one umbrella department. They are under the impression that they can run with a bare bones staff.

Meanwhile, those who are left are “shell shocked” as they will now be forced to work twice as hard to make up for all of the recent releases.

What’s your take on WWE firing 60 people this week? Sound off in the comments.

Tags: WWE Featured
H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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