Chris Jericho donated over 38k to the Republican party and the Donald Trump campaign. This was not ignored by Jim Cornette, and the famously anti-Trump pro wrestling manager had to comment.

Cornette started out his rant against Chris Jericho by noting that Le Champion has “too much money.” Then he listed off other places those donations could have gone to. Jim Cornette then circled back around to what Chris Jericho spent that money on instead.

Looks like someone has too much money. Hmmmm, give money to crippled children, cancer research, abused animals? Naw, let’s give more than some people make per year to a criminal lunatic to help him shame the country & cause folks to die from disease & violence, that’s it!

Chris Jericho receives so much attention for his political contributions because he said “I am not political person.” He has also invited conspiracy theorist David Weiss on his podcast to discuss QAnon and flat earth theories, as well as Donald Trump Jr. to plug his book.


Le Champion also invited Andrew Yang on his show where then discussed unionization in pro wrestling among other things.

H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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