Jon Moxley’s match against Kenny Omega at AEW Full Gear 2019 upset Renee Young. She did not like the unsanctioned match or the barbed wire spiderweb. This year Renee’s mother didn’t like his I Quit match against Eddie Kingston.

Click here for our complete coverage of AEW Full Gear.

Kingston and Moxley tore each other apart. It was a match that Moxley knew would work, and he told Tony Khan so. Fans all over praised it, but Renee Paquette’s mother disagrees.

Renee jumped on Twitter to let fans know that her mother finally got a chance to check out her son-in-law’s match on Saturday. She is not a fan.


My mom is watching Jons match from last night. She does NOT like it.

Lance Storm replied saying that “can’t be a surprise.” Renee responded to let everyone know that while her mother didn’t like it, she had to watch the whole thing.

She tried to quit watching several times. But deep down Carole is twisted in her own way and wanted to see the mayhem.

If Renee Paquette’s mother isn’t a fan of Jon Moxley’s rougher stuff in AEW, then she needs to stay far away from his CZW catalog. Hopefully, this doesn’t change the way she sees Jon Moxley.

Tags: Jon Moxley
H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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