Stories about Joey Ryan’s misconduct flooded the internet wrestling community over the past few days. As a result of that, Ryan has officially been released by Impact Wrestling.

The company was rumored to have left him go yesterday. They made the announcement today, but he wasn’t alone.

Dave Crist was also fired from Impact Wrestling following allegations against him. He was actually in hot water prior to the #SpeakingOut movement starting. Crist was forced to dress outside of the locker room and he had lot of heat on him.

Michael Elgin was not released, but he was suspended. Impact Wrestling decided to suspend him instead pending an investigation. We’ll see if and when he returns.


So far, Impact Wrestling has taken the most action out of any pro wrestling company so far. They have two firings and a suspension following the #SpeakingOut movement.

H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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