Jimmy Havoc’s ex girlfriend came forward with series of stories detailing abuse, manipulation, and mental illness. Now an unnamed female has come forward with her own story.

Havoc’s ex girlfriend Rebecca Crow released a statement from an anonymous accuser. Ringside News has been in contact with Crow and she stated that this new accuser can not come forward publicly out of “fear for her safety.”

This new account starts at a party. The anonymous female got very intoxicated, and instead of going home she took Havoc up on an offer to sleep in a bed he provided. Then Havoc allegedly approached her and things took a tragic turn.

He told me earlier in the night he was in a rough patch with his long term girlfriend. So I had no intentions of initiating anything, I just wanted some sleep. We were chatting, and he asked if we could make out. I asked about his girlfriend. He asked if we could keep it a secret. I was single and figured his relationship was his responsibility so I agreed.


The situation escalated from that point, and he eventually asked to have sex with her. She said no, but that allegedly wasn’t an answer he accepted. She didn’t realize what he was doing at the time, but she later realized what he did without her consent.

He asked if he could put his d*ck in me. I said no, because I was on my period. He said he didn’t care. I said no, because I had a tampon in. He put it in me anyway. I didn’t realize at the time because I was kind of out of it, but I realized later.

The next morning this victim stated that Havoc was banging his head against the hotel room door for about five minutes. She felt unsafe and uncertain if he would be violent with her as well. Thankfully, he was not violent upon returning to the room. He also allegedly seemed to regret their sexual encounter.

This incident was followed by weeks of worrying that he gave her an STI or HIV. Jimmy Havoc’s deathmatch history and frequent bleeding concerned her because of all the risks associated with that form of wrestling. Her test came back negative, but that didn’t erase the trauma.

AEW released statement on the matter. Jimmy Havoc’s status with the company will be addressed after he successfully completes rehab.

H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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