Dave Bautista has been asked some very serious questions in the past few years. He also made some very important decisions about his career. It turns out that one of the most important recent questions came from Dana Brooke.

We have covered the online flirting between Batista and Dana Brooke for the past day. It seemed to really escalate quickly. Now Drax The Destroyer has an answer to a very serious question from Dana Brooke which was apparently: “Can I call you daddy?”

@DanaBrookeWWE so per our conversation I’ve been in deep thought about your question, which you can tell from the photo that I’ve entitled “Me in deep thought about Dana’s question”and the answer is yes. You can call me Daddy. Happy Thanksgiving [kissy face emoji]

These two are obviously having a lot of fun with this extra attention for their love life. We’re not certain what’s going on in the DM’s, but things seem to be heating up on their timelines.

H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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