WWE brought a lot of their Superstars to Saudi Arabia for the Super ShowDown event. However, there is still quite a bit of controversy once again surrounding whether they should have gone at all.

Three of those Superstars they brought weren’t even allowed to compete on the show. Alexa Bliss and Natalya were rejected by the government from having match and R-Truth was not used on the show due to being the current 24/7 Champion.

During Wrestling Observer Radio, Dave Meltzer continued speaking about how Superstars felt about making another trip to Saudi Arabia for a controversial event.

“Most guys don’t want to rock the boat… like some guys wanted to go but I heard most didn’t think they should go. It was an awfully long trip and one person told me if it was up to him he would never go back again, but it was not up to him so it doesn’t matter. And others were just like: it sucked. 


The 50-man battle royal match at Super ShowDown might have been the largest in the company’s history, but it didn’t do much to get anyone over except for Monsoor. The curious things about Monsoor is that he’s an NXT Superstar with hardly any exposure, yet, he was pushed as the biggest star on the show in Jeddah.

This makes us wonder if WWE could have a plan for Monsoor on the main roster, but regardless, the battle royal didn’t do anyone any favors so far.

“There were people who very much understood that the booking was horrible throughout so much of the show. For the guys in the battle royal, it was very much going through the motions because the whole thing was just thrown together. Like I said, there was no showcase spots or anything like that, so people there were kind of not in a great mood that you’re flying in there for this match that can’t be good because there’s no thought put into it. And you’re just there as a piece of meat.”

WWE’s deal with Saudi Arabia is not going away and we will very likely be reporting on another Saudi Arabian event in a few months. It should become expected at this point, but that doesn’t change the fact that WWE might need to reconsider the real benefit of this partnership.

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H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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