WWE has a lot of resources at their disposal. One of the things they like to use to gauge the fan base is to send out surveys. It’s not like it really matters because Vince McMahon is ultimately in control of everything, but at least they’re trying.

In the latest WWE Fan Council survey WWE listed a bunch of sports companies and asked if fans would miss them if they disappeared. WWE was one of those options.

In another part of the survey WWE wanted to find out what fans thought about the company’s brand. Some of the options were positive like “action packed, credible, and high-quality.” Others were not too good.

Options on the negative side of this survey included: “out of date, boring, and unoriginal.” It’s interesting how “too heavily scripted” wasn’t an option.


We will see how WWE reacts to some of the responses, but in the meantime like we’ve said a million times it’s Vince McMahon’s company and he runs it however he sees fit.

H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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