WWE had some big issues with the Raw script yet again last night. Vince McMahon wanted things changed around so that’s what happened. In fact, they were making alterations during the show.

This is not the first time we reported that WWE had issues putting together the script for Raw. At this point, it is pretty much week to week ordeal of changing things around on the day of the show. This week they were actually switching things around during the broadcast.

Bryan Alvarez told Dave Meltzer during Wrestling Observer Radio that he heard Raw was a disaster backstage. Meltzer replied that it wasn’t a disaster backstage, but things were definitely changed around and extremely disorganized.

“It wasn’t a disaster, just very disorganized, just a lot of things changed as the show was going on that’s all, you know. I wouldn’t say it’s a disaster — disaster is a funny word because when I watch the show I never thought — the only thing on the show I thought was a disaster was the 24/7 stuff. The rest of it was just normal stuff, but apparently, backstage it was extremely disorganized and things were being changed as the show was going on. Matches were changed, you know and maybe that’s why Baron Corbin got pinned. Maybe, who knows? Maybe things changed [in the main event].”


“They keep some of the segments, it’s not like they nix everything. They just change some percentages of it because Vince is on a whim, what are you gonna do? I have no explanation for this. It just is what it is.”

Vince McMahon will continue to book WWE programming the way he sees fit as long as he is controlling the company’s creative direction. Things are not planning on changing any time soon.

Therefore, the script for Raw was being re-worked as the show was on the air once again, but that should be expected at this point.

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H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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