WWE introduced a new title to the picture last night on RAW and they sent Mick Foley out there to do the honors. This decision was made because of Foley’s close association with the old WWE Hardcore Title, but even The Mickster couldn’t save that segment.

When the title was finally revealed, the live fans had little response. There were light boos, but mostly people were aghast at how bad the title looked. The IWC had to agree.

Foley later commented that he thinks that fans will enjoy the 24/7 Title, but he only wishes that he could have done a better job hyping it up.

I think the crowd was hoping for the return of the classic Hardcore Title. Thanks for the compliment, but I felt like I came up pretty short on that promo. No one’s fault but my own.


Yes, I think the audience will begin enjoying the 24/7 aspect pretty quickly. I just wish I had kicked it off with a better promo.

Mick Foley really shouldn’t be blaming himself. Because maybe it wasn’t his promo, but the fact that the title he pulled out of that bag looked like sign from Waffle House and they have to agree as well.

H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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