The Undertaker is a guy who not only knows how to hold his own in the ring but he is also able to spot great talent in others. So when he faces an opponent who is incredibly strong, he is very much aware of what he is up against.
The Undertaker recently sat down with Pastor Ed Young as part of the “Wrastlin'” series where he was asked who stands out in his mind as the strongest he has ever shared the ring with. It didn’t take Taker long to bring up a few notable mentions.

“Lesnar was, especially in his first-time in when he was still in his 20’s. He was just a freakish athlete — he still is. But when he was in his 20’s when he first came up. I mean he was an NCAA National Champion and he defied what your mind would tell you. Because he was 6’4 285-290 and you think there’s no way that a human being that size can move that fast. His single leg or double-leg shot would be like someone who was 180 pounds, just really freakish.”
“He was one, there was a guy — Kane is just incredibly strong. Mark Henry. Mark Henry is on another level.”

WWE booked the best against The Undertaker and even some who weren’t the greatest in hopes that he would elevate them to another level. But it seems like there were a few who were right up there and able to more than hold their own with Taker throughout the years and Lesnar, Kane, and Henry seem to top the Dead Man’s list.
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H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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