CM Punk made his return to WWE and that shocked a lot of people. Some in AEW may have also been a bit surprised as well, and everyone had their own opinion on the matter.

Ringside News exclusively reported to clarify CM Punk’s brand status. We also reached out to confirm the report about CM Punk having his time cut on Monday’s WWE RAW. We also explained why he didn’t have producer listed for his RAW return promo segment.

In the recent episode of the Grilling JR podcast, WWE Hall of Famer Jim Ross shared his perspective on CM Punk’s comeback at Survivor Series. Ross revealed that he didn’t catch the live broadcast, but he received a flurry of notifications that promptly informed him of Punk’s return. Ross expressed his support for Punk’s career decision during the podcast.

“It was a perfect booking decision. It was a great creative move. (The pop) was sustained chaos. I guarantee you there’s a lot of AEW fans that went to Survivor Series. They’re wrestling fans. They don’t have this brand-bullsh*t where I’m only going to support one brand. So you must not really be a wrestling fan then, right? How could you be a wrestling fan and not be happy for the success of others within your industry? I don’t get it. So anyway, it was great booking, good judgment by Paul Levesque. It was the perfect end to the show.”


Jim Ross expanded on his connection with CM Punk, sharing insights into their friendship and the potential differences in their perspectives on various issues. Ross openly revealed that, despite their close bond, there have been moments when he and Punk had contrasting viewpoints. This revelation underscores the complexity of their relationship and their ability to maintain distinct opinions while remaining friends.

“Phil’s a friend. I didn’t always agree with him, and I certainly agreed with him more than not on some of his issues. I don’t know, man. He’s just a friend. I’m happy for my friends that find success in their chosen vocation. I wish him the best of luck on his journey. I don’t agree with all the sh*t that went on with him. I think he could have handled it a little differently as probably everybody could if you go back and look at it in hindsight. But the bottom line is he left and he was a great get, timely, and I loved the surprise.”

CM Punk is only getting started with WWE for this run, and the entire pro wrestling world is paying attention. Now, we will have to see what moves he makes next, because he’s not in WWE to make friends, he wants to make money.

We will keep our eyes on this story, and so much more, here at Ringside News. CM Punk is back in WWE, and that is exciting. Only time will tell what 2024 has in store for fans after a wild 2023.

What’s your takeaway from CM Punk’s return to WWE? Let us know what you think about this in the comments section!

Felix Upton

Felix Upton is a seasoned writer with over 30 years of experience. He began his career writing advertisements for local newspapers in New York before transitioning to publishing news for Ringside News. His expertise includes writing, editing, research, photo editing, and video editing. In his free time, he enjoys bungee jumping and learning extinct languages.

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