CM Punk made his big return to WWE at Survivor Series, and fans didn’t have to wait long to hear what he had to say. Punk closed out the November 27th episode of WWE RAW, and there is a lot to unpack.

Ringside News exclusively reported to clarify CM Punk’s brand status. We also reached out to confirm the report about CM Punk having his time cut on Monday’s WWE RAW.

It was reported that CM Punk had no producer listed for his promo on the November 27th episode of WWE RAW. There is a good reason for that, but it doesn’t mean they sent the Second City Savior out there without a script.

Ringside News was told by a tenured member of the creative team that, “There was no producer because there was no physicality.” It seems that no producer was listed, because one was not needed. Punk still had a script for his promo, so he didn’t go out there and 100% speak his mind.


It was explained to us that producers in WWE are tasked with coordinating the broadcast when physical action takes place. This doesn’t necessarily imply that they scripted or conceived the segment, but rather that they communicate with the production team to ensure proper coverage of the physical actions.

“Producers are the people responsible for being on headset when there is physicality. It does not mean the producer wrote or created the segment. It means someone is responsible for telling the truck what is happening so the truck can cover what is going to happen. Since there was no physicality on Punk’s promo on Monday, there was no producer.”

In CM Punk’s recent promo on Monday, as there was no physicality involved, there was no need for a producer in this instance. He still had words that he needed to say, but there was simply nobody on the headset producing the segment, since there was no action involved.

WWE fans have probably noticed that several promo segments in recent memory did not have any producer listed. Now, we have a better understanding about what that means internally. It doesn’t mean they’re out on live television without a script or a net, but it only means that there was no physical direction needed.

We will keep our eyes on this story, and so much more, here at Ringside News. CM Punk is back in WWE, and that is exciting. Only time will tell what 2024 has in store for fans after a wild 2023.

What’s your take on CM Punk’s segment during the November 27th episode of WWE RAW? Let us know what you think in the comments section!

H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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