CM Punk’s return to WWE may go down as the biggest surprise in company history. Triple H admitted that WWE’s deal with CM Punk was not finalized until very late in the game, and Punk didn’t even sign a new contract until Survivor Series Saturday. Now, we have more clarification on how WWE will use him.

CM Punk was said to have been in great spirits backstage at RAW. Although nobody admitted to kissing him on the mouth as he claimed, many said that there were logs of hugs and smiles.

Ringside News previously reported that CM Punk will be on the RAW brand after his return to the company. A report came out afterward noting that he is listed as a free agent internally. This caused some confusion about the situation, but we have cleared everything up.

Ringside News reached out to a tenured member of the creative team to inquire about CM Punk’s main roster status. We were told that, “Punk is listed as a free agent, so if we need him to appear on a Smackdown, he can without trouble.


At this time, we are told that, “Punk is assigned to RAW.” So, his first stories in the company will revolve around the red brand. Fans should expect to see more of him on Monday nights, but the company also has the freedom to use him wherever they want to.

CM Punk is back in WWE, and he spoke his mind during the November 27th episode of WWE RAW. Fans can expect to see a lot more of CM Punk on Monday nights as he fits into WWE’s storylines once again.

We will keep our eye on this story, and so many more, here at Ringside News. You never know what will happen next, and that is especially true with CM Punk back in the mix.

What’s your take on CM Punk’s return to WWE? Who do you want to see him wrestle first? Let us know what you think in the comments section!

H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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