MJF sustained actual injuries during the main event of the AEW Full Gear 2023 pay-per-view event at the Kia Forum in Los Angeles. It appears that wrestling in that main event match only made things worse for The Iron Claw executive producer.

Before the main event even went down, MJF had already competed in the ROH Tag Team Title match alongside Samoa Joe against The Gunns. Following the match, The Gunns assaulted MJF, as they beat his knees with a steel chair. This led to his hospitalization. Then, Adam Cole prevented Jay White from claiming the World Heavyweight Title through forfeiture, and MJF returned for the main event, so Adam Cole didn’t have to wrestle injured.

The Wrestling Observer Newsletter noted that MJF had already aggravated his shoulder before the match, and the shoulder injury was exacerbated by top-rope uranage during the contest. It seems that his sobbing reaction after the match might have been due to legit pain after all.

MJF experienced a legitimate hip injury that required realignment and a genuine shoulder injury during the main event. Fortunately, these injuries will not result in any missed television appearances.


MJF legit suffered a dislocated hip during the match as well as aggravated a prior shoulder injury. The hip injury took place when he was planning to do the spot where you come off the top rope and fly far, ending with an elbow drop putting your opponent through a table. However, when he put White on the table, it collapsed. Instead of just ditching the spot, he felt that the crowd was going to flatten if he didn’t do the spot, climbed up to the top rope and did an elbow drop from the top rope to the floor, which is an absolute killer on your hip. It was popped back in, but he was in terrible pain. The shoulder injury worsened from a top rope uranage.

It is a shame that MJF injured himself, especially in a match that fans rated as the worst AEW pay-per-view main event in the history of the company. Jay White was reportedly unhappy about that entire program, because he feels that it didn’t do much to elevate him with AEW fans.

Hopefully, MJF will be fully recovered by the time AEW World End comes around on December 30th. He has a big match ahead of him against Samoa Joe.

We will have to see how AEW features MJF on television in the weeks leading up to Worlds End. He will likely still be on television, but odds are they will keep him safe and away from any big physical spots until the time comes for him to throw down against Samoa Joe.

What’s your take on MJF wrestling at Full Gear banged up? Let us know what you think about this in the comments section!

H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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