Nick Aldis is former NWA World Champion, and his entrance into WWE saw him take on a backstage role. That producer assignment surprised some fans, as Aldis showed no sign that he was done in the ring. It turns out that he doesn’t have anything official with WWE right now.

Nick Aldis has been backstage working as a producer, helping arrange matches in the ring. That being said, his time in the ring is not over yet.

While speaking with Chris Van Vliet on Insight, Nick Aldis discussed his deal with WWE. At this time, he is only on a handshake agreement with the company.

“None at the moment. They just invited me to come and see how everything works and shadow as a producer and be part of the meetings and the whole television operation. I’ve worn a lot of hats, I think people who have followed my career, particularly in the last few years, know that, in addition to wrestling, I was wearing a lot of hats behind the scenes at my last place [NWA]. I certainly don’t feel like it’s a completely new situation to me. Having said that, there is pro wrestling and there is WWE.”


“Just taking in the sheer volume of the operation and the number of people involved and the scale of everything, just that alone has been the basis of my time so far. It’s all very much a handshake situation. ‘Why don’t you come in and see how all this works, see if you like it.’ They’ve been very good to me and very accommodating as far as, they’ve said, ‘this is as much about whether you like it.’ Where that goes, I don’t know. I’m okay with that. It’s tough with the internet and social media because people want to put this definitiveness on everything. ‘He’s with WWE, that’s it. He’s not wrestling anymore.’ Even the boys backstage are saying that. Slow down.”

Nick Aldis also reiterated that he is not retired from in-ring action. He is also still looking to wrestle, as he’s booked some dates for September.

“They were very open with me, ‘if you don’t want to do this, that’s totally cool.’ I may as well say it, obviously, I would love the other thing [wrestle]. Until that day comes, I’m going to explore other opportunities. That is absolutely something I want to do in the end, the question will be, whether I’m ready to do that now.”

Nick Aldis is a guy who a lot of fans were surprised didn’t make it to WWE years ago. Even though he might not be wrestling, he is still getting a paycheck and working in the business he loves, so that should be a bonus.

WWE has a ton of talented former Superstars backstage in the company. Nick Aldis might fit in just fine, but he’s not hanging up his boots yet, either.

What’s your take on Nick Aldis in WWE? Sound off in the comments to let us know if you think he should be a producer!

Felix Upton

Felix Upton is a seasoned writer with over 30 years of experience. He began his career writing advertisements for local newspapers in New York before transitioning to publishing news for Ringside News. His expertise includes writing, editing, research, photo editing, and video editing. In his free time, he enjoys bungee jumping and learning extinct languages.

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