Andrade El Idolo joined AEW last year and has been consistent in his performance for the company since then. He has, however, voiced dissatisfaction with not being featured as much as he had hoped. In fact, there is a lot of talk surrounding him leaving the promotion for real. Preston Vance took this opportunity to take a shot at him.

This Friday’s AEW Rampage will pit Vance from The Dark Order against Andrade, with the stipulation that Andrade must quit AEW if he loses and Vance must unmask if he loses.

Vance called out Andrade in two tweets ahead of the fight. “If you don’t wanna be here, he wrote, “get the f*ck out.” Further hyping up the match he wrote he’ll show the world what “friends in dark places is all about.”

This isn’t just for me. This is for Dark Order. This is for Brodie. This is to show the world why I’m still handpicked. See ya bitch. #AEW #DO4Life

Next week we show the world what Friends In Dark Places is all about. If you don’t wanna be here get the fuck out. Now that’s cowboy shit. 

Although Andrade looks to be winning given that he wants out of the company. It is also important to note that this Friday’s Rampage show celebrates the two-year anniversary of Brodie Lee’s final bout, which indicates Vance must win. We’ll see how things turn out.

Predictions on this bout? Let us know in the comments!

Saksham Bartsch

Saksham is a sports enthusiast whose hobbies include playing basketball and honing his athletic skills. He enjoys reading Greek literature and working with videographers occasionally.

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