It’s Wednesday and you know what that means. AEW Dynamite will go down tonight and Ringside News has got you covered with live play-by-play results coverage.

Start time for AEW Dynamite is at 8:00 PM EST. Match-by-match highlights and results from the show will take place on this very page. Feel free to leave any reactions in the comment section below. The card for tonight is as follows:

  • Grand Slam Tournament Of Champions Semi-Finals: Chris Jericho vs. Bryan Danielson
  • Grand Slam Tournament Of Champions Semi-Finals: Jon Moxley vs. Sammy Guevara
  • Toni Storm & Athena vs. Dr Britt Baker D.M.D. & Serena Deeb

Excalibur welcomes us to the show, and we are kicking off with Jon Moxley. Sammy Guevara makes his entrance next.

Grand Slam Tournament Of Champions Semi-Finals: Jon Moxley vs. Sammy Guevara

Guevara escapes the ring and stalls on the outside. Guevara gets back in for a lock up, Moxley with a headlock takeover, test of strength, Guevara with strikes in the corner. Moxley powers out of the corner and hits the King Kong Lariat. Guevara with a chop to little effect, Moxley chops back much stiffer.

Moxley mocks Guevara’s chops, Guevara hits a suicide dive. Guevara with another suicide dive, then throws Moxley into the steel steps. Guevara stomps Moxley’s head into the steel steps.

Picture in Picture.

On the apron, Moxley hits a facebuster. Guevara gets counted out, but he gets in at 7. Moxley with lariats in the corner, then rakes the back, then bites, then hits the Butterfly Suplex from the top, cover, 2 count. Guevara gets a Boston Crab, Moxley powers out. Guevara with a springboard Cutter, cover, 2 count.

Guevara goes for the GTH, Moxley reverses into the Bulldog Choke. Moxley with the Hammer and Anvil Elbows, Guevara hits a Spanish Fly, cover, 2 count. Moxley with an Avalanche German. Tay Conti and Anna Jay walk out, Jay distracts the ref, Conti hits a low blow on Moxley, Guevara with a rollup, 2 count!

Guevara misses a Senton off the top, Moxley gets a cover, 2 count. Guevara with forearms, Moxley strikes back, Guevara with a high knee, Superkick, Moxley reverse a GTH into the Death Rider, cover, 1, 2, 3!

WINNER: Jon Moxley!

Commercial Break.

MJF makes his entrance, he cuts his music immediately. He insults the crowd, he hasn’t slept in 7 days because he saw Moxley had no fear and that pisses him off. MJF isn’t the same person he was when he last faced Moxley. Moxley is the one who is playing a character, but he is a joke.

MJF mocks Moxley’s childhood. Saying Moxley is playing a character, but MJF knows deep down Moxley is still a scared little boy. MJF calls Moxley a drunk. MJF’s brain is far more dangerous than Moxley’s disease, bad things happen when people get in MJF’s way. MJF is Moxley’s demon, a demon Moxley cannot slay.

MJF introduces Stokely Hathaway and the Firm. They all come out to little reaction. Stokely says MJF is his best friend, he convinced MJF not to quit AEW. The Firm is on retainer, when MJF doesn’t need them, they will go their separate ways. Stokely isn’t a manager, he is a friend. Everything since Double or Nothing has been a lie.

There is nothing like blackmail and that turns him on. W. Morrissey wants to do whatever he wants, Stokely hugs him. It’s time for Lee Moriarty bring some honour to ROH. The Gunns are not boys, they are men and they will not walk in the shadows of their daddy. They will become Tag Team Champions. Ethan Page wants to represent Canada and win the All-Atlantic Championship. They are the Firm and there are 2 options, run with us or run from us.

Jungle Boy vs. Jay Lethal video package. Jungle Boy makes his entrance. Jay Lethal is out next, accompanied by Sonjay Dutt and Satnam Singh.

Jungle Boy vs. Jay Lethal

Lock up, Lethal mocks Jungle Boy, Jungle Boy strikes back with forearms. Strikes back and forth, Jungle Boy with an armdrag, dropkick, rollup, 1 count. Jungle Boy counters a Dragonscrew into a cover, 2 count. Jungle Boy with an elbow strike sending Lethal to the outside. Jungle Boy goes for a dive but Singh steps in the way. Lethal drops Jungle Boy on the top turnbuckle.

Picture in Picture.

Jungle Boy whipped hard into the turnbuckles, Jungle Boy with a spear out of the corner. Strikes back and forth, Jungle Boy gets the upperhand, flying elbow strike, goes for a Brainbuster but his back gives out. Jungle Boy with a lariat, hits a Brainbuster, cover, 2 count.

Lethal with a Russian Leg Sweep off the 2nd rope, cover, 2 count. Jungle Boy blocks a Lethal Injection, Lethal hits Lethal Combination, then a suicide dive. Back in the ring, Lethal hits an elbow from the top, cover, 2 count. Jungle Boy locks in the Snaretrap, Dutt distracts Jungle Boy, Lethal with a rollup, 2 count. Jungle Boy gets the Snaretrap again, Lethal taps.

WINNER: Jungle Boy!

Video package for Hook and Action Bronson.

Marvez is backstage with Luigi Primo the pizza guy. Ethan Page takes him out. Danhausen interrupts, Page challenges him to a match on Rampage.

Commercial Break.

Recap of Darby Allin on Nitro Circus. Matt Hardy says he respects Darby and challenges him to a match on Rampage.

Powerhouse Hobbs makes his entrance. Matt DiMartino is already in the ring.

Powerhouse Hobbs vs. Matt DiMartino

Hobbs powers DiMartino to the corner, Spinebuster, cover, 1, 2, 3!

WINNER: Powerhouse Hobbs!

“We Want Ricky” chants, Hobbs says he defeated Starks in just 4:34 minutes. It’s time for a new chapter, starting tonight. Ricky Starks walks down through the crowd. He runs through security and attacks Hobbs. He hits Hobbs with the mic and Hobbs flees.

Video package for Death Triangle. Lucha Bros makes their entrance with Alex Abrahantes. Swerve in our Glory is out next.

AEW World Tag Team Championships: Swerve In Our Glory vs. Lucha Bros

Swerve and Penta start, Swerve with an armdrag, Penta turns it around, kick to the gut, kicks in the corner, tag to Fenix. Double splash from Lucha Bros. Swerve with a hurricanrana off the top, tag to Lee. Lee with a huge forearm, Fenix with chops but Lee floors him.

Picture in Picture.

Swerve with a Gory Special, Fenix with an armdrag, Swerve blocks a tag, Fenix with a roundhouse kick. Penta tags in, Backstabber, Slingblade, Le catches a dive, Penta hits Made in Penta, cover, Lee throws Fenix at the cover to break the count. Lee tags in, shoulder block, backbreaker, headbutt, Penta with a Superkick, Fenix with a Spanish Fly off the top, Penta hits a Destroyer to Lee, cover, 2 count.

Swerve knocks Fenix off the top, Lee hits a DVD, cover, 1, 2, 3!

WINNER: “And Still” AEW World Tag Team Champions, Swerve In Our Glory!

The Acclaimed’s music hits! Caster says Swerve should keep nuthugging everybody famous he knows and next week they will become Tag Team Champions.

Marvez is backstage with Death Triangle, Pac says they are the Trios Champions, he is the All-Atlantic Champion. Orange Cassidy attacks him from behind, says Pac won’t be a double Champion for long.

Commerical Break.

Serena Deeb makes her entrance. Britt Baker is out next, accompanied by Rebel. Athena is out next, followed by the AEW Women’s Champion, Toni Storm.

Toni Storm & Athena vs. Dr Britt Baker D.M.D. & Serena Deeb

Storm and Deeb start, Storm with a Hammerlock, chain wrestling, evenly matched. Lock up, Deeb with chops, Storm with chops, tag to Athena. Athena with a big splash, cover, 1 count. Athena with a dropkick, forearm in the corner, facebuster. Deeb takes out the knees.

Picture in Picture.

Baker and Storm tag in, Storm with a dropkick, uppercut, Baker escapes a hip attack but Storm hits a DDT through the ropes. Baker with a Slingblade. Athena tags in, Deeb tags in, strikes back and forth, Deeb gets an armbar. Athena powers out, Deeb rolls through, Athena with a Meteora. Storm with a crossbody, Deeb gets a single leg crab.

Athena with kicks to the chest, elbow strikes, Baker with a superkick. Baker throws Athena into the steel steps. Rebel distracts the ref, Baker gets a chair, Deeb throws Storm into the chair, Deeb covers, 1, 2, 3!

WINNER: Britt Baker & Serena Deeb!

Athena attacks Baker and Deeb after the bell. Baker hits a Superkick, then the Stomp. Jamie Hayter runs down, takes the chair from Baker… then attacks Toni Storm with it. Hayter argues with Baker then leaves.

Sterling, Nese and Woods are backstage. Josh Woods with face Samoa Joe for the ROH TV Title.

Commercial Break.

Chris Jericho makes his entrance. Bryan Danielson is out next, accompanied by William Regal.

Grand Slam Tournament Of Champions Semi-Finals: Chris Jericho vs. Bryan Danielson

Danielson with chops, strikes in the corner, running dropkick, more chops. Jericho with chops of his own, Danielson chops back. Running dropkick from Danielson, Jericho with a shoulder tackle, Danielson throws him out of the ring. Danielson with a baseball slide, then a diving knee of the apron. Danielson throws Jericho shoulder first into the ring post, then again into another ring post.

Danielson with a missile dropkick, then a diving headbutt, cover, 2 count. Danielson with knees to the ribs, into a hammerlock. Danielson with kicks to the arm, Yes Kicks, Jericho hits a German. Jericho with a springboard dropkick, then a dive to the outside. Jericho with palm strikes, Danielson no sells them. Strikes back and forth, double crossbody downs both men.

Picture in Picture.

Jericho knocks Danielson off the top, then hits a hurricanrana off the top. Danielson avoids a Judas Effect, German, cover, 2 count. Danielson locks in Cattle Mutilation, Jericho rolls out, Danielson with the Hammer and Anvil Elbows. Jericho catches an elbow, then hits Elbows of his own. Danielson shakes it off, then hits chops.

Strikes back and forth, Jericho hits the Code Breaker, Danielson bounces back and hits the Busaiku Knee! Chops back and forth, Jericho Suplexes Danielson to the outside! Danielson appears to have injured his foot. Doctors attend to Danielson, Jericho pushes them off and attacks the foot. Jericho slams Danielson’s foot into the ringpost over and over. Jericho Figure 4’s Danielson around the ringpost.

Jericho with a Kneebreaker. Danielson blocks another Kneebreaker and hits elbows, goes for the Busaiku Knee but his knee gives out and Jericho locks in the Walls. Jericho transitions into a Half Crab on the injured leg. Danielson kicks Jericho into the turnbuckles, rollup, 2 count. Jericho with a Dragonscrew, then gets the Figure 4! they trade blows while still in the hold, Danielson transitions into a LeBell Lock, Jericho blocks, Danielson with crossface strikes then gets the LeBell Lock. Jericho taps out!

WINNER: Bryan Danielson!

Jon Moxley walks down and goes face to face with Danielson. They shake hands as Dynamite ends.

Martin Dickinson

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