Roman Reigns debuted a new character after taking over half a year off television due to the pandemic. That was followed by a dominate reign as the Tribal Chief, one that is still going strong. If you like the Head of the Table, then that’s your call. The fact is that you’re supposed to boo Roman Reigns.

There is a new report that Roman Reigns is expected to hang onto his titles for the rest of the year, and he is going to transition into a babyface role. We can say that is not the case if Roman Reigns and Paul Heyman have anything to say about it.

Ringside News was told that Roman Reigns and Paul Heyman “refuse” to let the Tribal Chief character fall into any babyface category. We were told that he will only be classified as a villain, and that is their call.

A tenured member of the creative team also confirmed to us that Roman Reigns and Paul Heyman make sure that certain language is used to accent the heavy burden that is on the Tribal Chief to carry the company.

They both are always telling writers “the character is the champion, the top attraction, the WrestleMania main event, the one who everyone relies on.” They always use the word “burden” as in “the burden the top attraction feels at all times.”

It was also made very clear to us that “any reports that Vince or HHH see Roman as a babyface are incorrect.” We will not provide any spoilers on whether the plan is to have Roman Reigns hold his titles until WrestleMania, but if that happens, he’ll do it as a heel.

What’s your take on the Tribal Chief’s booking? Sound off in the comments!

H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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