Baron Corbin’s downward spiral was well-documented on WWE television. It all started when he lost the King of the Ring crown to Shinsuke Nakamura, and that apparently cost the former Mr. Money in the Bank hundreds of thousands of dollars. We’re not really sure how that math checks out, but Corbin had one terrible development after another. Now he’s back.

We previously covered how Corbin was winning big in the casinos after SummerSlam in Las Vegas. Then he lost it all again. Now it seems his luck has turned around one more time.

A WWE camera caught up with Baron Corbin, and he was quite happy. It’s interesting that WWE registered trademark for “Happy Corbin” as well. That name change could be coming down the pipeline. Either way, Corbin has money again and he’s elated to brag about it.

“I won it all back,” Corbin was so happy to report.


That mustard-stained shirt is long gone. Now Corbin has his swagger back and that means his confidence is in full-force. When asked how much Corbin won, he replied, “More than you make in a year.” WWE probably pays their cameramen well, so that’s a good chunk of change.

You can check out the video below to see the latest development in Baron Corbin’s ongoing financial roller coaster.

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H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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