Burry Murphy is on his own, and recent video promo showed that he was sprung from what appeared to be a mental institution after 8 years (and 90 days on lockdown). Now he is ready to go, and things could get very interesting.

Murphy uploaded two more pieces to his re-introduction video this morning, and he revealed a lot. Josiah Williams played Murphy’s doctor once again as he led him to whoever was signing off on his escape.

The former Cruiserweight Champion almost turned on the man, but before things got violent, the man handed off Murphy’s belongings and left. Murphy went through his bag, and recovered some tattered wrestling tights with “Shhhh” written on them. Then he turned toward camera, giving fans a look at his face for the first time.

Then the man said: “You’re free now.” Suddenly, the screen then went black and “Buddy Matthews” appeared in red writing. That must be his new name, so he is Murphy no more.


We will have to see what Buddy does with this new chapter in his pro wrestling career, but Buddy Matthews is apparently planning something now that he is a free man.

What’s your take on this story? Sound off in the comments!

H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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