Mercedes Martinez was released from WWE as part of massing firing that included eleven other wrestlers and a referee from the black and gold brand. Her release was a shocking one, because her veteran abilities were often utilized on television. She let everything out in a lengthy multi-tweet statement concerning her departure from the company.

Martinez was actually set to be member of Retribution, but she wanted out of that stable. She later explained some of her thinking behind wanting out of the faction while speaking to PW Insider.

“I just think being part of that group, it’s not hidden fact that it was me,” she told the outlet. “I don’t hide the fact, I don’t mention it, only because it was just a small part of what the bigger picture is.”

Martinez used her Twitter account to send out a long message to fans following her release from WWE. While thanking Triple H for the opportunity, Mercedes Martinez also admitted that she never quite fit the mold anywhere, but that never stopped her from showing that brand of authenticity she is known for.


My life..I never thought I would ever make it to the WWE. I stayed dedicated, hustled, grinded, and sacrificed more than I could ever imagined to reach that goal. It took 20yrs…..but I wouldn’t change anything bc the universe has a way of making things work out.

I never fit the mold ANYWHERE but I stayed TRUE to myself, ALWAYS. “The diamond in the rough” so to say…. I truly want to thank @tripleh @wwe and @WWENXT for giving me the opportunity of lifetime. I understand this business is never a guarantee for anything,

The overwhelming love does not go unnoticed. But…….DONT COUNT ME OUT! The BEST of me is still yet to be unseen. I’m rebuilding myself and I know my worth, always have. My drive, dedication, perseverance and my hard knocks stubbornness says I have more to prove.

and that sometimes the risk is higher than the reward. I’m grateful, blessed and humbled. Thank you to all that have text, messaged, emailed, called, and to those that put me on blast on social media. lol.

I’m looking forward to THE NEXT CHAPTER!……

Mercedes Martinez is looking forward to the next chapter in her life, and she is not alone. Many fans can’t wait to see what she does next, and where she applies her craft. It took Martinez twenty years of hard work to get this far, but she’s far from finished grinding away.

What’s your take on this story? Sound off in the comments!

Felix Upton

Felix Upton is a seasoned writer with over 30 years of experience. He began his career writing advertisements for local newspapers in New York before transitioning to publishing news for Ringside News. His expertise includes writing, editing, research, photo editing, and video editing. In his free time, he enjoys bungee jumping and learning extinct languages.

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