Ryback has no official affiliation with WWE anymore, and if you ask him they are actively suppressing him on social media. He recently used his Twitter account to address daylight savings time can cancel culture in one single tweet.

The Big Guy apparently isn’t a fan of setting you clocks forward one hour. He tweeted out to say that daylight savings time has him depressed. Then the went on to take a shot at cancel culture by implying that those people who actively target things to cancel are just misdirecting their own problems.

Man… This daylight savings time really has me depressed. Think I’m going to blame all my problems on it and get it cancelled.

Ryback has yet to make a return to pro wrestling, but fans can always find him on social media. We’ll have to see when he wrestles again, but The Big Guy also has other projects that need attention in the meantime. Today he will do it with a little less sleep.

H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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