Brodie Lee passed away and the pro wrestling world is still wrecked with grief. Dax Harwood will miss Lee more than most fans might ever realize. The FTR member revealed on Twitter that Brodie Lee and his wife helped Harwood and his wife as they went through a terrible experience.

Harwood revealed that he and his wife experienced a miscarriage three years ago. Brodie Lee and his wife were two of the few people they told. Lee continued to follow up and check on Harwood to see how they were doing.

3 years ago, my wife had a miscarriage. We didn’t tell very many people. We told the Hubers. During a difficult time in our lives, Jon & Amanda would text and call my wife and I just to see how we were doing. They sent flowers, cards, and care packages.

Dax Harwood followed that up by posting a video of himself taking a shot of Knob Creek. He also included a caption saying: “That’s the kind of people they are. That’s the kind of people this world needs. That’s the kind of person I need to be. I love you Jon. Thanks for everything. This Knob Creek is for you.”


Brodie Lee’s story is one that many should keep in mind. Nobody knows how long they have with those who matter most. This is just another reminder of how precious each day really is.

RIP Brodie Lee.

H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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