Keith Lee’s WWE NXT entrance music was a fan favorite for NXT fans. Then he moved to the WWE main roster, and that music went away. Fans did not like his new music, but they introduced another track at Survivor Series. That song was much more widely accepted.

While speaking to Sports Illustrated, Keith Lee brought up his entrance music. He is very happy with it, but he did not that “one little tweak” is needed. There are also some “evolutionary ideas” floating around in Lee’s head for the music he wrote.

I am very happy with my music. There is one little tweak I intend to make over time, but that’s got to be a timing thing and it’s got to be well done for me to make it work the way I want it to. I have some evolutionary ideas for my current music that just hit. In terms of the song itself, I wrote that myself and a lot of it is very personal. I’m very happy with being able to express myself in that manner. Even the track, the guys that did it are brilliant. I’m extremely happy with the way the track sounds. I’m happy with the music overall, and I look forward to the little tweaks I intend to make down the road.

As far as gear goes, my gear is the same as NXT except I have to wear a top right now. Is that my choice? No. But I do what I need to do in order to also keep the people I work for happy. At some point, I will get so big that it won’t matter what other people want because Keith Lee knows what’s best. Someone will figure that out at some point, and then I won’t be wearing a top anymore. Until then, I have no problem with this.

Keith Lee is set for a big match on WWE RAW this week. He has a triple threat #1 contender’s match against AJ Styles and Riddle. That match could see the Limitless Lee get his first WWE Title opportunity on December 20th. He obviously plans to continue making his name as big as possible while making his way to the ring to a song he wrote.

Tags: Keith Lee
Felix Upton

Felix Upton is a seasoned writer with over 30 years of experience. He began his career writing advertisements for local newspapers in New York before transitioning to publishing news for Ringside News. His expertise includes writing, editing, research, photo editing, and video editing. In his free time, he enjoys bungee jumping and learning extinct languages.

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