An allegation about Will Ospreay came forward as part of the #SpeakingOut movement. New information has come to light which confirms those allegations.

Pollyanna, a British wrestler was sexually assaulted by Scott Wainwright. Will Ospreay is a friend of Wainwright’s and it was alleged that he had companies cancel Pollyanna’s bookings because she came forward about the assault.

IWL has now confirmed the story that Ospreay asked to have Pollyanna removed from those shows because her presence made him feel uncomfortable.

We’ve been trying to put something decent together but fuck that, lets call a spade a spade.


The call went something like:

Will’s our boy and feels uncomfortable with you booking Pollyanna.

I told them I wasn’t going back on my word with Polly, but would not book her going forward.

That wasn’t an option, the option was unbook Polly or lose the venue. (1st show there)

Shortly after announcing @GothicLolly vs Renfrew, we got a message from the venue asking us to call them to discuss something.

IWL then apologized to Pollyanna for canceling her from their events. This was at Will Ospreay’s command. Following the apology, they added: “To Will Ospreay, go f*ck yourself and your half-arsed apologies.”

They also included screenshots of email conversations with Pollyanna to provide additional transparency.

As of this writing Will Ospreay has not responded to this latest development.

H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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