WWE discovered a positive coronavirus test in their developmental system. This talent was said to have last been at the WWE Performance Center on Tuesday, June 9th. As a result, everyone in the company was tested yesterday.

Ringside News has learned that the testing procedure of having a medical swab jammed into the back of your nasal cavity is nothing compared to the agony the WWE crew experienced the next day.

They are delayed because nobody can get in unless a negative COVID-19 arrives with their name on it. As of this writing we have heard of zero positive tests. Still, a lot of tests are not back yet.

This situation was described to us as “watching the inmates run the asylum.” Who are those “inmates?” We asked and it was stated very clearly to us: Bruce Prichard, Dave Kapoor, Ed Koskey, Ryan Ward, and Jon Baeckstrom.


Things changed when they went from producing a pro wrestling show to worrying about the novel coronavirus penetrating WWE’s bubble.

Executives and staff as well as Superstars are presently not allowed in the building.

We will keep a close eye on this story right here at Ringside News. WWE has lot that they need to accomplish today and the coronavirus is causing even more issues for them.

H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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