Brandi Rhodes used to work for WWE where she was a ring announcer. Her name was Eden back then and she doesn’t like to talk about that name. She also said she’d never ring announce again.

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AEW Dynamite needed Brandi Rhodes and she was there to answer the call. She wasn’t very happy about it when Tony Schiavone told her that she would be doing the ring announcing because Justin Roberts couldn’t make it.

Brandi Rhodes said she’s been asked multiple times to ring announce, but she refused. She found herself doing just that on March 18th when AEW Dynamite had to take over Daily’s Place with zero fans in attendance.

When Brandi Rhodes appeared on Dynamite, the production crew teased her a little bit. Above her nameplate were the words: “Said She Would Never Ring Announce Again.”

You can check out the ironic screenshot below. Brandi Rhodes hasn’t lost her skills either and she did a great job. It just goes to show that you can never say never in pro wrestling.

H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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