Angel Garza is a real ladies man. He shows this by kissing women on his way to the ring. WWE now has no touching policy at meet and greets due to the coronavirus. This apparently doesn’t apply to Angel Garza kissing women in the crowd.

Garza was asked about this kissing gimmick and his fears about contracting the coronavirus. He said: “Trust me, the only thing I care and I’m worried about it, are MY LADIES so [shush emoji] and enjoy it.”

He also commented saying that the cure for the coronavirus are his lips.

“Guess what!! I have the perfect cure for the CORONAVIRUS ???? it’s just under my nose and above my chin.”


We can only hope that Angela Garza doesn’t get the coronavirus, especially after a comment like that.

At this time WWE is still carrying on with WrestleMania plans. The city of Tampa will meet on Thursday and discuss the possibility of canceling or postponing major events in the city.

H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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