Scott Steiner performed at the Atlanta, Georgia Impact Wrestling event on Friday night. After his participation in the A-Town Beatdown, he collapsed in the locker room.

As first reported by Brad Shepard, Steiner was rushed to the hospital. His situation was reportedly very serious.

Shepard has provided another update on Scott Steiner’s status. He is now in stable condition, but it was a “legitimate life and death situation.”

Update: A source indicated Scott Steiner is now stable and expected to recover from what was a legitimate life and death situation. I’m told he stopped breathing at one point and they had to shock his heart. Credit to a quick response by on location medical personnel.

We will keep you posted as more information is made known here at Ringside News.

It’s great that Scott Steiner seems to be stable. This situation was reportedly made much better due to quick medial assistance.

H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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