WWE Raw ended very quickly this week as soon as Ricochet was named #1 contender. Brock Lesnar had to sprint down and deliver an F5 as the show went off the air. There was more for the fans in Salt Lake City.

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After Raw went off the air this week, Seth Rollins offered Ricochet a handshake. All of the fans yelled: “No” at him because Rollins is a lying heel.

Rollins said he’s not a bad guy or a liar and he just wanted to show Ricochet respect after his big win. They shook hands and then Rollins kicked Ricochet. He went for a stomp, but the new #1 contender ducked and hit a Code Breaker instead.


The Salt Lake City fans who braved the terrible weather went home happy after that.

H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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