CM Punk had an interesting idea for Bobby Lashley and Rusev’s feud. He proposed that they hang Lana over the ring in shark cage. She didn’t find that amusing at all.

Tonight is the wedding between Lana and Bobby Lashley. Vince McMahon might not be there, but he’s got good people in charge. CM Punk might be watching from home, but he made a very interesting comment to WWE On FOX plugging the big ceremony.

Be a real shame if someone gets fired.

CM Punk might have a lot to say about this wedding during his next WWE Backstage appearance. They didn’t take his idea for a “loser gets Lana match,” but there’s always the possibility of that happening if WWE wants to continue the feud.

H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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