Jordan Myles did not like the t-shirt design that WWE made for him at all. This snowballed into quite a situation that ended with him quitting WWE in profanity-filled tirade.

During a Twitter Q&A, Jordan Myles was asked about his mental health. He described what he was going through at the time. He is not taking back what he said, but he did explain how that t-shirt design triggered things from his past.

“The thing about the mental health, I do suffer with anxiety and I do suffer with depression and I can have bad mood swings sometimes, but that doesn’t mean when I speak out it doesn’t have any meaning behind it. The t-shirt triggered things from my past and it all came up at once, and a lot of anger from my past came up with it, as well. That caused me to come at people the way that I did. Again, I’m not gonna apologize for what I said. What I said, I meant it.”

Jordan Myles might not be wrestling again for WWE from the look of things. All we can hope is that he finds himself in a much better place soon.

H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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