WWE Crown Jewel went fine for those watching at home on the WWE Network. If you were in Saudi Arabia, the feed for the event was cut off.

Superstars were stranded in Saudi Arabia after they experienced what was reported to be “mechanical issues.” There might be way more to this story than that.

Brad Shepard reported that WWE hasn’t been paid for the last Saudi Arabian Shows. He went into even more detail about this as well.

I have the real story they don’t want you to know on the WWE/Saudi Arabia flight delay. Get ready…


According to a high level source in #WWE, the outward reason being given for the extensive delay returning to the US from Saudi Arabia is the plane having mechanical issues. I’m told some WWE employees were able to get on separate rented planes and leave.

As of a few hours ago, making it to Buffalo for showtime was not a guarantee, so we’ll see. I’m told internally that many question the validity of the mechanical issue. I’m told Saudi Arabia owes #WWE money for previous events – I don’t know how much they owe.

Everyone is mad about this. I’m told people were skeptical of the trip to begin with due to #SmackDownOnFox being the next day. I’m told people in WWE were already frustrated to begin with, before the show began, and this only added to it.

According to a source in #WWE, Vince McMahon said they won’t be returning to Saudi Arabia until they get their money owed.

The Saudi Arabian Sports Authority might not have a grasp on what WWE really does and needs to continue doing to operate. They not only need their Superstars, but they also need to get paid for their services. If Saudi Arabia has yet to pay, then Vince McMahon might not go back. This is especially true after this recent travel fiasco.

WWE has given out some huge paydays to Superstars already as Goldberg made a reported $2 million for his match in Saudi Arabia.

Hours later, Hugo Savinovich added even more to this story. He said that he was told that WWE hasn’t been paid for the last two Saudi Arabian shows and the company is owed between $300 and $500 million.

Vince McMahon ordered that the Saudi Arabian feed for Crown Jewel be cut off in the middle of the broadcast. We had previously reported that it was said Vince McMahon had disagreement of some kind.

The Prince in Saudi Arabia was reportedly very upset that Vince McMahon cut the feed. This is when he ordered that Superstars be taken off their flight before it was about to leave.

H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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