Drake Maverick has yet to consummate his marriage with Renee Michelle and he better get on it too. Because she’s sounding thirsty.

Maria Kanellis shocked us all when she won the WWE 24/7 Title, but Drake Maverick wasn’t afraid of pinning WWE’s first-ever pregnant champion.

Renee Michelle, Mrs Maverick did seem to appreciate her husband saying this. So she chastised him for not getting on top of her for three seconds instead.

Oh! So you’ll get on top of a pregnant woman for 3 seconds – BUT NOT YOUR WIFE??


The WWE 24/7 Title storyline is getting a little heated in more ways than one. To make it even more interesting WWE made it known that they publicly support this tweet because they clicked the retweet button on it.

H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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